Kevin Underwood * Part Two * Parte Dois
I believe today’s post very relevant to understanding the psychopathy of a killer like Kevin Underwood. He’s not the only one. Just last week another guy in Utah was caught for a very similar crime, except this time it was a 5 year old. And this type of crime doesn’t happen only in the United States, although this is the example of an american.
The following is one of the most amazing things I ever had the opportunity to read relating to crime. The internet made it possible. It is an instant messenger conversation between Kevin Underwood and an internet friend on the night of april 13th, 2006 (the time on the dialogue is wrong). This friend later shared this conversation with the authorities. As Underwood wrote this, he had 10 year old Jamie Bolin’s body hidden in his closet for 24 hours. It would be another 24 before he was caught. Meanwhile, he went on with his life watching more and more people come together to look for Jamie.
Underwood goes by the nickname “subspecies23”.
subspecies23 (4/13/2006 2:14:18 PM): I'm glad you're on
former "friend" (4/13/2006 2:14:28 PM): Ok, what happened?
subspecies23 (4/13/2006 2:14:31 PM): I've had a horrible 24 hours
former "friend" (4/13/2006 2:14:36 PM): huh???
subspecies23 (4/13/2006 2:15:11 PM): you know how I said I was going to go to bed early last night? Well, I didn't get to. In fact, I hardly slept at all last night
subspecies23 (4/13/2006 2:15:30 PM): The girl that lives upstairs from me went missing last night
former "friend" (4/13/2006 2:15:43 PM): omg
subspecies23 (4/13/2006 2:16:02 PM): and I've been worried sick ever since, mainly with the worry that I was going to be named a suspect, and the police would trash my apartment searching it while I was at work
former "friend" (4/13/2006 2:16:21 PM): Why would they think YOU a suspect?
subspecies23 (4/13/2006 2:16:22 PM): as far as anyone can tell, I was the last person to see her before she disappeared
former "friend" (4/13/2006 2:16:43 PM): It doesn't matter Kevin....she's missing!
subspecies23 (4/13/2006 2:16:59 PM): I know I have nothing to worry about, but it's been driving me crazy ever since
former "friend" (4/13/2006 2:17:15 PM): If you have nothing to worry about, rest easy.
subspecies23 (4/13/2006 2:17:34 PM): ever since about 6:30 last night, I've felt like I was only moments away from throwing up. I've hardly ate in 24 hours
former "friend" (4/13/2006 2:17:55 PM): Poor girl....UGH
subspecies23 (4/13/2006 2:18:02 PM): I was out there helping keep watch for her last night, until about 8:00 or so
subspecies23 (4/13/2006 2:18:15 PM): brb
former "friend" (4/13/2006 2:18:17 PM): ok
former "friend" (4/13/2006 2:18:27 PM): I do hope they find her!!!!
subspecies23 (4/13/2006 2:21:48 PM): that was my mom calling about it
former "friend" (4/13/2006 2:21:54 PM): Yeah
former "friend" (4/13/2006 2:22:11 PM): I kinda figured it was someone like that
subspecies23 (4/13/2006 2:23:07 PM): so then around 8:00 or so, I tried to go to bed, but couldn't sleep well because of the worrying, and there was a helicoptor flying around all night with a searchlight, and a whole group of people sitting outside all night keeping watch for her, right outside my window pretty much
subspecies23 (4/13/2006 2:23:25 PM): there's about ten people out there right now, and the helicoptor is still flying around
former "friend" (4/13/2006 2:23:48 PM): How old is she around?
subspecies23 (4/13/2006 2:24:25 PM): Mom said on the news at noon they said they're treating the case as a runaway, and mom called me at work and told me that, and I've been a little less nervous since that. I no longer think the cops are gonne burst in and search the place at any minute
subspecies23 (4/13/2006 2:24:42 PM): I don't know, but I always figured she was around 12 or 13
former "friend" (4/13/2006 2:24:49 PM): a runaway.....omg.....
former "friend" (4/13/2006 2:24:53 PM): she better get back home!
subspecies23 (4/13/2006 2:25:13 PM): yeah, because the last time I saw her, she was riding off on her bike, and that was the last time she was seen. Her bike is still gone
former "friend" (4/13/2006 2:25:34 PM): oh noooo!
former "friend" (4/13/2006 2:25:42 PM): Is she a small girl?
subspecies23 (4/13/2006 2:25:50 PM): kinda
subspecies23 (4/13/2006 2:26:33 PM): the main reason I was worried I'd be a suspect is because I was the last person to see her, and she also talked to me occasionally
former "friend" (4/13/2006 2:28:24 PM): well need not worry about that
subspecies23 (4/13/2006 2:28:31 PM): The last few weeks I've gotten in the habit of hanging out outside my apartment, or just like standing in the open front doorway, and several times she'd stop and talk to me, and one time I was out there with freyja, and she saw freyja and wanted to pet her and stuff, and then later that same day, I was sitting there on the couch for a moment with the front door still open, and the girl just stepped into my apartment and asked if she could hold my rat. So I'm worried my neighbors would've seen all that and suspect me
subspecies23 (4/13/2006 2:29:02 PM): she seems like a very nice, trusting kid, and that's probably what got her in trouble, if she's not a runaway
former "friend" (4/13/2006 2:29:21 PM): Well, the best thing you can do is talk to her parents about all this...that she seems a trusting child
subspecies23 (4/13/2006 2:29:37 PM): then the night before she went missing, she stopped by my apartment again and asked if she could use my phone
former "friend" (4/13/2006 2:30:03 PM): hmmm
former "friend" (4/13/2006 2:30:08 PM): tell her parents this!
subspecies23 (4/13/2006 2:30:30 PM): and I'm afraid the cops would come into my apartment, and see all my knives and swords and the horror movies and documentaries about serial killers on my dvd rack, and suspect me
subspecies23 (4/13/2006 2:30:55 PM): and there's always blood all over my bedsheets and stuff, but it's my own blood
former "friend" (4/13/2006 2:31:05 PM): If they DO suspect you, all you have to do is answer their questions!
subspecies23 (4/13/2006 2:32:02 PM): yeah, I know. I don't know why it's bothering me so much. I've been so nervous all day, if the cops questioned me, they would think that I did have something to do with it, because of how I was acting
subspecies23 (4/13/2006 2:32:18 PM): and I can barely keep my food down
subspecies23 (4/13/2006 2:32:35 PM): I'm a lot better now, but it drove me crazy all night and morning
subspecies23 (4/13/2006 2:32:56 PM): I hope she's ok.
subspecies23 (4/13/2006 2:33:11 PM): She looks a lot like Marci. Maybe that's part of what's bothering me
former "friend" (4/13/2006 2:33:43 PM): I think it is part of it.
subspecies23 (4/13/2006 2:34:14 PM): she's got red hair, and kinda reminds me of Marci a little
[Marci is the name of Kevin Underwood's younger sister - thanks Taximom]
former "friend" (4/13/2006 2:35:22 PM): oh hun
subspecies23 (4/13/2006 2:36:15 PM): thanks
former "friend" (4/13/2006 2:36:26 PM): you're welcome
subspecies23 (4/13/2006 2:36:56 PM): even though I'm in a better mood now this afternoon, my stomach still feels a little funny. I think that's just because it's so empty, though
former "friend" (4/13/2006 2:37:37 PM): yeah, you need to try and eat
former "friend" (4/13/2006 2:37:51 PM): the investigators will do their best
subspecies23 (4/13/2006 2:38:26 PM): I didn't have any dinner, and I only had like half a bowl of cereal for breakfast, and I didn't even drink the milk from it, I poured it out. Then I just had a six-inch sub from subway for lunch
subspecies23 (4/13/2006 2:50:32 PM): another phone call, but it was just a stupid telemarketer
subspecies23 (4/13/2006 2:51:44 PM): man, I just don't know why I was so paranoid about all this earlier. I know I didn't do anything, but I felt like I did. I expected the cops to come in an arrest me at any minute.
subspecies23 (4/13/2006 2:52:14 PM): it really freaked me out when my boss sent some new guy over to help us. I didn't know who this guy was, and he just walked up to me and said "Kevin Underwood?"
former "friend" (4/13/2006 2:52:35 PM): ohhh, yikes
subspecies23 (4/13/2006 2:53:33 PM): even though just by looking at him you could tell he definitely wasn't a cop or anything, lol. It was some guy, probably about 20, with a goatee, and wearing a t-shirt with a monkey face on it, lol
subspecies23 (4/13/2006 3:12:08 PM): holy crap! Another phone call! This time it was a wrong number
former "friend" (4/13/2006 3:12:17 PM): lol yikes
subspecies23 (4/13/2006 3:12:33 PM): in the last two hours I've gotten more phone calls than I normally get in a week
subspecies23 (4/13/2006 3:12:51 PM): and every time the phone rings, I freak out again a little
former "friend" (4/13/2006 3:13:04 PM): Why not listen to your Ipod then?
subspecies23 (4/13/2006 3:13:13 PM): I've got itunes running now
subspecies23 (4/13/2006 3:13:41 PM): I just turned it on about five minutes ago, sitting here in silence was driving me nuts. Thinking too much
former "friend" (4/13/2006 3:14:18 PM): Yeah, it's best to listen to music or watch a movie...maybe even read
subspecies23 (4/13/2006 3:29:25 PM): and those people are all just sitting right outside my bedroom window, barely a foot from it
former "friend" (4/13/2006 3:29:41 PM): They're worried.
subspecies23 (4/13/2006 3:30:00 PM): yeah, but I hope they don't sit right outside my window all night
subspecies23 (4/13/2006 3:31:06 PM): They don't seem very worried. They're being loud and laughing a lot
former "friend" (4/13/2006 4:14:17 PM): ok Kevin, I'm gonna go lay down....[name removed] tired
subspecies23 (4/13/2006 4:14:32 PM): I'm probably gonna go to bed early too
former "friend" (4/13/2006 4:14:41 PM): I hope you feel better and that the girl gets found!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
subspecies23 (4/13/2006 4:14:50 PM): goodnight
former "friend" (4/13/2006 4:15:09 PM): take care, and try to talk to her parents sometime soon....that way they will know of what she did before she left
subspecies23 (4/13/2006 4:15:19 PM): ok, bye
former "friend" (4/13/2006 4:15:24 PM): ok bye bye
A curious detail about this case is that Kevin Underwood never finished what he had previously planned to do with his victim. The prosecutor assigned to this case gave a press conference a few days after the discovery of Jamie’s body in Underwood’s apartment. In it, he says the murder of Jamie was part of a plan to not only kill someone, but to rape them, dismember them, eat portions of the body (he was known even to joke about cannibalism) and later dispose of it. The police even found meat tenderizer and barbecue skewers in his apartment, as absurd as it may sound. So this was very thought out. And Kevin Underwood had 48 hours to do what he intended to Jamie’s body.
This sort of violent but careful procedure like a dismemberment requires privacy. I can’t imagine Underwood having plans to take her body elsewhere than his apartment to do it, so we can’t even say he wasn’t expecting the repercussion of the missing girl’s case and therefore had no opportunity to move her body. Murderers that cannibalize their victims remais usually do this at home, it’s a private, intimate moment with the victim. Jamie’s body was found with deep saw marks on her neck, as if Underwood had tried to decapitate her. So he was beginning the process of dismemberment, but something made him stop. I think this previous conversation with his friend helps us see why, and the state of mind that Underwood was in 24 hours after he commited the most violent of acts.
Kevin Underwood is a narcissistic killer. He feels the world has wronged him. He feels he deserves much more than what his life is giving him. That pisses him off profoundly. Like so many other killers like him his emotional behavior tends to go back and forth from being very depressed with the lowest of self esteems to being aggressive, violent, arrogant, with feelings of entitlement and omnipotence. He thinks no one can come close to understanding him, because he’s so complex. He’s not for the ordinary person.
Because this type of killer thinks he’s capable of anything, he very frequently can’t come close to coping with the reality of his actions once it turns to action and leaves the field of fantasy. That may explain Kevin’s behavior with his victim’s body: he was very powerful in his dismemberment fantasies, but an underachiever in real life.
Acredito que esse post de hoje é muito importante para se entender a psicopatia de um assassino como Kevin Underwood. Ele não é o único. Semana passada pegaram um cara em Utah, nos EUA, por um crime muito parecido, só de desta vez a vítima foi uma menina de 5 anos. E esse tipo de crime não acontece só nos EUA, apesar de eu estar usando o exemplo de um americano.
O que vem a seguir é uma das coisas mais impressionantes que eu já tive a oportunidade de ler em relação à crimes. Foi possível graças à internet. É uma conversa de msn entre Kevin Underwood e um amigo que ele conheceu na internet, na noite de 13 de Abril de 2006 (a hora na conversa está errada). Esse amigo depois mostrou isso às autoridades, dizendo que tinha achado a conversa estranha já no dia. Enquanto Underwood estava tendo essa conversa com seu amigo, o corpo de Jamie Bolin já estava escondido no seu armário por 24 horas. Mais 24 se passariam até que ele fosse detido pela polícia. Enquanto isso, ele foi levando a sua vida normalmente, assistindo cada vez um maior número de pessoas se mobilizando para encontrar a menina desaparecida.
O nickname usado aqui por Underwood é “subspecies 23”. (a conversa se encontra acima, na versão em inglês).
Um detalhe curioso sobre este crime é que Kevin Underwood não chegou a terminar o que havia previamente planejado fazer com sua vítima. Alguns dias após a prisão de Underwood, o promotor do caso fez uma declaração oficial para a imprensa. Lá ele disse que o assassinato de Jamie foi parte de um plano que envolvia não só matar alguém, mas também violentar, desmembrar o corpo, comer partes do corpo (Underwood era conhecido por fazer piadas de canibalismo) e por fim se desfazer do corpo. A polícia até encontrou um espeto de churrasco e amaciante de carne no seu apartamento, por mais absurdo que isso soe. Portanto, o assassinato cometido contra Jamie foi um evento cuidadosamente planejado. E Kevin Underwood teve 48 horas para fazer o que quisesse com o corpo da vítima.
Esse tipo de procedimento violento mas cuidadoso como um desmembramento requer privacidade. Não parece lógico que Kevin Underwood pretendesse mover o corpo de Jamie de seu apartamento para isso; assassinos que canibalizam a vítima costumam fazer isso em suas casas, é um momento privado e muito íntimo. O corpo de Jamie foi encontrado com profundos cortes no pescoço, como se ele houvesse tentado decapitá-la – mas nenhuma outra marca como esta. Isso sugere que Underwood chegou a iniciar o processo de desmembramento, mas algo o deteve. Eu acredito que essa conversa com seu amigo que acabamos de ler nos ajuda a entender por quê, e o estado de espírito em que Underwood se encontrava 24 horas após ter cometido um ato tão violento.
Kevin Underwood é um assassino narcísico. Ele sente que o mundo está em dívida com ele. Sente que merece muito mais do que a vida lhe oferece. Isso o irrita profundamente. Como tantos assassinos deste tipo que temos conhecimento, o comportamento de Underwood constantemente oscila entre dois momentos: o primeiro, de intensa depressão e baixa auto estima, e o segundo, de agressividade e extrema arrogância, com fantasias de onipotência. Ele pensa que ninguém pode chegar perto de compreendê-lo, por que ele é terrivelmente complexo. Não é um cara comum.
Como esse tipo de assassino pensa que é capaz de qualquer coisa, ele frequentemente não consegue lidar com as consequências das suas ações, no momento em que se tornam ações e saem do campo da fantasia. Isso pode explicar o comportamento de Underwood em relação ao corpo de sua vítima: ele era provavelmente muito poderoso nas suas fantasias de desmembramento, mas acabou por ser um fracasso na vida real.
The following is one of the most amazing things I ever had the opportunity to read relating to crime. The internet made it possible. It is an instant messenger conversation between Kevin Underwood and an internet friend on the night of april 13th, 2006 (the time on the dialogue is wrong). This friend later shared this conversation with the authorities. As Underwood wrote this, he had 10 year old Jamie Bolin’s body hidden in his closet for 24 hours. It would be another 24 before he was caught. Meanwhile, he went on with his life watching more and more people come together to look for Jamie.
Underwood goes by the nickname “subspecies23”.
subspecies23 (4/13/2006 2:14:18 PM): I'm glad you're on
former "friend" (4/13/2006 2:14:28 PM): Ok, what happened?
subspecies23 (4/13/2006 2:14:31 PM): I've had a horrible 24 hours
former "friend" (4/13/2006 2:14:36 PM): huh???
subspecies23 (4/13/2006 2:15:11 PM): you know how I said I was going to go to bed early last night? Well, I didn't get to. In fact, I hardly slept at all last night
subspecies23 (4/13/2006 2:15:30 PM): The girl that lives upstairs from me went missing last night
former "friend" (4/13/2006 2:15:43 PM): omg
subspecies23 (4/13/2006 2:16:02 PM): and I've been worried sick ever since, mainly with the worry that I was going to be named a suspect, and the police would trash my apartment searching it while I was at work
former "friend" (4/13/2006 2:16:21 PM): Why would they think YOU a suspect?
subspecies23 (4/13/2006 2:16:22 PM): as far as anyone can tell, I was the last person to see her before she disappeared
former "friend" (4/13/2006 2:16:43 PM): It doesn't matter Kevin....she's missing!
subspecies23 (4/13/2006 2:16:59 PM): I know I have nothing to worry about, but it's been driving me crazy ever since
former "friend" (4/13/2006 2:17:15 PM): If you have nothing to worry about, rest easy.
subspecies23 (4/13/2006 2:17:34 PM): ever since about 6:30 last night, I've felt like I was only moments away from throwing up. I've hardly ate in 24 hours
former "friend" (4/13/2006 2:17:55 PM): Poor girl....UGH
subspecies23 (4/13/2006 2:18:02 PM): I was out there helping keep watch for her last night, until about 8:00 or so
subspecies23 (4/13/2006 2:18:15 PM): brb
former "friend" (4/13/2006 2:18:17 PM): ok
former "friend" (4/13/2006 2:18:27 PM): I do hope they find her!!!!
subspecies23 (4/13/2006 2:21:48 PM): that was my mom calling about it
former "friend" (4/13/2006 2:21:54 PM): Yeah
former "friend" (4/13/2006 2:22:11 PM): I kinda figured it was someone like that
subspecies23 (4/13/2006 2:23:07 PM): so then around 8:00 or so, I tried to go to bed, but couldn't sleep well because of the worrying, and there was a helicoptor flying around all night with a searchlight, and a whole group of people sitting outside all night keeping watch for her, right outside my window pretty much
subspecies23 (4/13/2006 2:23:25 PM): there's about ten people out there right now, and the helicoptor is still flying around
former "friend" (4/13/2006 2:23:48 PM): How old is she around?
subspecies23 (4/13/2006 2:24:25 PM): Mom said on the news at noon they said they're treating the case as a runaway, and mom called me at work and told me that, and I've been a little less nervous since that. I no longer think the cops are gonne burst in and search the place at any minute
subspecies23 (4/13/2006 2:24:42 PM): I don't know, but I always figured she was around 12 or 13
former "friend" (4/13/2006 2:24:49 PM): a runaway.....omg.....
former "friend" (4/13/2006 2:24:53 PM): she better get back home!
subspecies23 (4/13/2006 2:25:13 PM): yeah, because the last time I saw her, she was riding off on her bike, and that was the last time she was seen. Her bike is still gone
former "friend" (4/13/2006 2:25:34 PM): oh noooo!
former "friend" (4/13/2006 2:25:42 PM): Is she a small girl?
subspecies23 (4/13/2006 2:25:50 PM): kinda
subspecies23 (4/13/2006 2:26:33 PM): the main reason I was worried I'd be a suspect is because I was the last person to see her, and she also talked to me occasionally
former "friend" (4/13/2006 2:28:24 PM): well need not worry about that
subspecies23 (4/13/2006 2:28:31 PM): The last few weeks I've gotten in the habit of hanging out outside my apartment, or just like standing in the open front doorway, and several times she'd stop and talk to me, and one time I was out there with freyja, and she saw freyja and wanted to pet her and stuff, and then later that same day, I was sitting there on the couch for a moment with the front door still open, and the girl just stepped into my apartment and asked if she could hold my rat. So I'm worried my neighbors would've seen all that and suspect me
subspecies23 (4/13/2006 2:29:02 PM): she seems like a very nice, trusting kid, and that's probably what got her in trouble, if she's not a runaway
former "friend" (4/13/2006 2:29:21 PM): Well, the best thing you can do is talk to her parents about all this...that she seems a trusting child
subspecies23 (4/13/2006 2:29:37 PM): then the night before she went missing, she stopped by my apartment again and asked if she could use my phone
former "friend" (4/13/2006 2:30:03 PM): hmmm
former "friend" (4/13/2006 2:30:08 PM): tell her parents this!
subspecies23 (4/13/2006 2:30:30 PM): and I'm afraid the cops would come into my apartment, and see all my knives and swords and the horror movies and documentaries about serial killers on my dvd rack, and suspect me
subspecies23 (4/13/2006 2:30:55 PM): and there's always blood all over my bedsheets and stuff, but it's my own blood
former "friend" (4/13/2006 2:31:05 PM): If they DO suspect you, all you have to do is answer their questions!
subspecies23 (4/13/2006 2:32:02 PM): yeah, I know. I don't know why it's bothering me so much. I've been so nervous all day, if the cops questioned me, they would think that I did have something to do with it, because of how I was acting
subspecies23 (4/13/2006 2:32:18 PM): and I can barely keep my food down
subspecies23 (4/13/2006 2:32:35 PM): I'm a lot better now, but it drove me crazy all night and morning
subspecies23 (4/13/2006 2:32:56 PM): I hope she's ok.
subspecies23 (4/13/2006 2:33:11 PM): She looks a lot like Marci. Maybe that's part of what's bothering me
former "friend" (4/13/2006 2:33:43 PM): I think it is part of it.
subspecies23 (4/13/2006 2:34:14 PM): she's got red hair, and kinda reminds me of Marci a little
[Marci is the name of Kevin Underwood's younger sister - thanks Taximom]
former "friend" (4/13/2006 2:35:22 PM): oh hun
subspecies23 (4/13/2006 2:36:15 PM): thanks
former "friend" (4/13/2006 2:36:26 PM): you're welcome
subspecies23 (4/13/2006 2:36:56 PM): even though I'm in a better mood now this afternoon, my stomach still feels a little funny. I think that's just because it's so empty, though
former "friend" (4/13/2006 2:37:37 PM): yeah, you need to try and eat
former "friend" (4/13/2006 2:37:51 PM): the investigators will do their best
subspecies23 (4/13/2006 2:38:26 PM): I didn't have any dinner, and I only had like half a bowl of cereal for breakfast, and I didn't even drink the milk from it, I poured it out. Then I just had a six-inch sub from subway for lunch
subspecies23 (4/13/2006 2:50:32 PM): another phone call, but it was just a stupid telemarketer
subspecies23 (4/13/2006 2:51:44 PM): man, I just don't know why I was so paranoid about all this earlier. I know I didn't do anything, but I felt like I did. I expected the cops to come in an arrest me at any minute.
subspecies23 (4/13/2006 2:52:14 PM): it really freaked me out when my boss sent some new guy over to help us. I didn't know who this guy was, and he just walked up to me and said "Kevin Underwood?"
former "friend" (4/13/2006 2:52:35 PM): ohhh, yikes
subspecies23 (4/13/2006 2:53:33 PM): even though just by looking at him you could tell he definitely wasn't a cop or anything, lol. It was some guy, probably about 20, with a goatee, and wearing a t-shirt with a monkey face on it, lol
subspecies23 (4/13/2006 3:12:08 PM): holy crap! Another phone call! This time it was a wrong number
former "friend" (4/13/2006 3:12:17 PM): lol yikes
subspecies23 (4/13/2006 3:12:33 PM): in the last two hours I've gotten more phone calls than I normally get in a week
subspecies23 (4/13/2006 3:12:51 PM): and every time the phone rings, I freak out again a little
former "friend" (4/13/2006 3:13:04 PM): Why not listen to your Ipod then?
subspecies23 (4/13/2006 3:13:13 PM): I've got itunes running now
subspecies23 (4/13/2006 3:13:41 PM): I just turned it on about five minutes ago, sitting here in silence was driving me nuts. Thinking too much
former "friend" (4/13/2006 3:14:18 PM): Yeah, it's best to listen to music or watch a movie...maybe even read
subspecies23 (4/13/2006 3:29:25 PM): and those people are all just sitting right outside my bedroom window, barely a foot from it
former "friend" (4/13/2006 3:29:41 PM): They're worried.
subspecies23 (4/13/2006 3:30:00 PM): yeah, but I hope they don't sit right outside my window all night
subspecies23 (4/13/2006 3:31:06 PM): They don't seem very worried. They're being loud and laughing a lot
former "friend" (4/13/2006 4:14:17 PM): ok Kevin, I'm gonna go lay down....[name removed] tired
subspecies23 (4/13/2006 4:14:32 PM): I'm probably gonna go to bed early too
former "friend" (4/13/2006 4:14:41 PM): I hope you feel better and that the girl gets found!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
subspecies23 (4/13/2006 4:14:50 PM): goodnight
former "friend" (4/13/2006 4:15:09 PM): take care, and try to talk to her parents sometime soon....that way they will know of what she did before she left
subspecies23 (4/13/2006 4:15:19 PM): ok, bye
former "friend" (4/13/2006 4:15:24 PM): ok bye bye
A curious detail about this case is that Kevin Underwood never finished what he had previously planned to do with his victim. The prosecutor assigned to this case gave a press conference a few days after the discovery of Jamie’s body in Underwood’s apartment. In it, he says the murder of Jamie was part of a plan to not only kill someone, but to rape them, dismember them, eat portions of the body (he was known even to joke about cannibalism) and later dispose of it. The police even found meat tenderizer and barbecue skewers in his apartment, as absurd as it may sound. So this was very thought out. And Kevin Underwood had 48 hours to do what he intended to Jamie’s body.
This sort of violent but careful procedure like a dismemberment requires privacy. I can’t imagine Underwood having plans to take her body elsewhere than his apartment to do it, so we can’t even say he wasn’t expecting the repercussion of the missing girl’s case and therefore had no opportunity to move her body. Murderers that cannibalize their victims remais usually do this at home, it’s a private, intimate moment with the victim. Jamie’s body was found with deep saw marks on her neck, as if Underwood had tried to decapitate her. So he was beginning the process of dismemberment, but something made him stop. I think this previous conversation with his friend helps us see why, and the state of mind that Underwood was in 24 hours after he commited the most violent of acts.
Kevin Underwood is a narcissistic killer. He feels the world has wronged him. He feels he deserves much more than what his life is giving him. That pisses him off profoundly. Like so many other killers like him his emotional behavior tends to go back and forth from being very depressed with the lowest of self esteems to being aggressive, violent, arrogant, with feelings of entitlement and omnipotence. He thinks no one can come close to understanding him, because he’s so complex. He’s not for the ordinary person.
Because this type of killer thinks he’s capable of anything, he very frequently can’t come close to coping with the reality of his actions once it turns to action and leaves the field of fantasy. That may explain Kevin’s behavior with his victim’s body: he was very powerful in his dismemberment fantasies, but an underachiever in real life.
Acredito que esse post de hoje é muito importante para se entender a psicopatia de um assassino como Kevin Underwood. Ele não é o único. Semana passada pegaram um cara em Utah, nos EUA, por um crime muito parecido, só de desta vez a vítima foi uma menina de 5 anos. E esse tipo de crime não acontece só nos EUA, apesar de eu estar usando o exemplo de um americano.
O que vem a seguir é uma das coisas mais impressionantes que eu já tive a oportunidade de ler em relação à crimes. Foi possível graças à internet. É uma conversa de msn entre Kevin Underwood e um amigo que ele conheceu na internet, na noite de 13 de Abril de 2006 (a hora na conversa está errada). Esse amigo depois mostrou isso às autoridades, dizendo que tinha achado a conversa estranha já no dia. Enquanto Underwood estava tendo essa conversa com seu amigo, o corpo de Jamie Bolin já estava escondido no seu armário por 24 horas. Mais 24 se passariam até que ele fosse detido pela polícia. Enquanto isso, ele foi levando a sua vida normalmente, assistindo cada vez um maior número de pessoas se mobilizando para encontrar a menina desaparecida.
O nickname usado aqui por Underwood é “subspecies 23”. (a conversa se encontra acima, na versão em inglês).
Um detalhe curioso sobre este crime é que Kevin Underwood não chegou a terminar o que havia previamente planejado fazer com sua vítima. Alguns dias após a prisão de Underwood, o promotor do caso fez uma declaração oficial para a imprensa. Lá ele disse que o assassinato de Jamie foi parte de um plano que envolvia não só matar alguém, mas também violentar, desmembrar o corpo, comer partes do corpo (Underwood era conhecido por fazer piadas de canibalismo) e por fim se desfazer do corpo. A polícia até encontrou um espeto de churrasco e amaciante de carne no seu apartamento, por mais absurdo que isso soe. Portanto, o assassinato cometido contra Jamie foi um evento cuidadosamente planejado. E Kevin Underwood teve 48 horas para fazer o que quisesse com o corpo da vítima.
Esse tipo de procedimento violento mas cuidadoso como um desmembramento requer privacidade. Não parece lógico que Kevin Underwood pretendesse mover o corpo de Jamie de seu apartamento para isso; assassinos que canibalizam a vítima costumam fazer isso em suas casas, é um momento privado e muito íntimo. O corpo de Jamie foi encontrado com profundos cortes no pescoço, como se ele houvesse tentado decapitá-la – mas nenhuma outra marca como esta. Isso sugere que Underwood chegou a iniciar o processo de desmembramento, mas algo o deteve. Eu acredito que essa conversa com seu amigo que acabamos de ler nos ajuda a entender por quê, e o estado de espírito em que Underwood se encontrava 24 horas após ter cometido um ato tão violento.
Kevin Underwood é um assassino narcísico. Ele sente que o mundo está em dívida com ele. Sente que merece muito mais do que a vida lhe oferece. Isso o irrita profundamente. Como tantos assassinos deste tipo que temos conhecimento, o comportamento de Underwood constantemente oscila entre dois momentos: o primeiro, de intensa depressão e baixa auto estima, e o segundo, de agressividade e extrema arrogância, com fantasias de onipotência. Ele pensa que ninguém pode chegar perto de compreendê-lo, por que ele é terrivelmente complexo. Não é um cara comum.
Como esse tipo de assassino pensa que é capaz de qualquer coisa, ele frequentemente não consegue lidar com as consequências das suas ações, no momento em que se tornam ações e saem do campo da fantasia. Isso pode explicar o comportamento de Underwood em relação ao corpo de sua vítima: ele era provavelmente muito poderoso nas suas fantasias de desmembramento, mas acabou por ser um fracasso na vida real.
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